Wara Monastery Loose Incense


  • CAD: $16.96

A pungent, complex aroma is the hallmark of this rich, classic Tibetan. It will probably be best appreciated by those familiar with the intricacies of Tibetan incense. Main ingredients are sandalwood, saffron and various precious herbs.  Mike at Olfactory Rescue Service notes:”…this is an incense with so many ingredients it’s not really possible to chart them all. All that is given as the main ingredients are “sandalwood, saffron and various precious herbs.” Wara Loose feels like it’s a lot muskier than the stick… has spices ranging from those that smell like they belong in cooking all the way through the usual cinnamon, clove and cardamom spices more commonly found in incenses. It is an exceedingly complex and unique loose incense, throughout the burn I thought I had smelled the above mention spices but also star anise, pepper, cumin, mustard seed, frankincense, sandalwood and some pine or other Himalayan evergreens. It’s a whole host of tangy, spicy and trippy goodness.” (app. 100g+)

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