Red Amrita Incense


  • CAD: $22.63 - $31.15

From the Red Amrita Grade 2 pkg: “This incense is produced using the unique and sacred red pines grown from the mala of Guru Rimpoche by the monks of Gonze Monastery (Sakya) in Jomda Zong, Qamdo Tibet.” It consists of 65% green leaves of the red pine and 35% powder from the red pine trunk. A lovely, mild and refreshing incense with no bitterness.

Red Amrita Grade 1 incense consists of 40% green leaves and 60% powder from the red pine trunk. This variant is mild and somewhat smoother than Grade 2. Both are complex and very subtle.

app 28 sticks | 20.5cm x 3mm | app 36g for both pkgs.

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Red Amrita Incense

Grade 1, Grade 2


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