Mindroling Monastery Loose Incense
- CAD: $14.12
We receive all Mindroling incense directly from the Monastery. This is a superior loose Incense whose ingredients include red and white sandalwood, musk, saffron, borneol, clove, black eaglewood. Mike at Olfactory Rescue Service says: “… a very rich incense but this feels more constructed along a broad spicy and herbal mix with some oils that if not citrus can occasionally verge on a slight vinegar tinge (my guess is this is how the spices modify the borneol). This spice layer tends to be really in front on the heater, it actually kind of reminded me of pears if they’re sweetened up with cinnamon. There’s a lot of brown sugar in it as well, something that comes out a bit later in the heat but then lasts as long as the aromatics do. This loose incense is as complex and unique as any in this group, retaining a quite distinctly Mindroling feel to it in that it’s almost creatively odd around the edges, something which less stands out on its own and mostly underlines all the wonderful elements going on around it.” (app. 116g+)
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